Field Instruments

Thermal Properties

A photo of the TEMPOS Thermal properties analyzer
Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Resistivity, Specific Heat


A photo of the PHYTOS 31 Leaf Wetness Sensor
Leaf Wetness
A photo of the controller unit for the LP-80 PAR and LAI measurement tool
A photo of the SC-1 leaf porometer
Stomatal Conductance
A photo of the IRT infrared thermometer
Surface Temperature
A photo of the D1 Dendrometer
Tree Stem Circumference


teros 22 water potential header1
Soil Water Potential and Temp
A photo of the SATURO field saturated hydraulic conductivity infiltrometer
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity
A photo of the mini disk infiltrometer unsaturated hydraulic conductivity
Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity
A photo of the SO-411 Oxygen sensor
Gaseous Oxygen
A photo of the TEROS 10 soil moisture sensor
Soil Water Content
A side profile photo of the TEROS 11 soil moisture sensor
Soil Water Content and Temp
A TEROS 12 soil moisture sensor
Soil Water Content, Temp, and EC
A photo of the TEROS 54 soil moisture profile probe
Soil Water Content and Temp Profile
A photograph of the ECH20 EC-5 soil moisture sensor
Soil Water Content
ECH20 10HS Large Volume Soil Moisture Sensor
Soil Water Content


atmos 41 gen2 feature image product card
All-In-One Weather Station
A photo of the ATMOS 41W all in one weather station
All-In-One Wireless Weather Station
A photo of the ATMOS 22 Ultrasonic Anemometer
Wind Speed and Direction
A photo of an ATMOS 14 Temperature and Humidity Sensor and More
Temp, Humidity, Barometric and Vapor Pressure
A photo of the PYR sensor pyranometer
Total Solar Radiation 360 - 1120 nm
A photo of the SN-500 Net Radiation sensor
Net Radiation
A photo of the SU-221 Ultraviolet (UV) Sensor
Solar Radiation 305 - 390 nm
A photo of the ECRN-100 Rain Gauge high resolution
High-Resolution Rain Gauge
A photo of the ECRN-50 rain gauge low resolution
Low-Resolution Rain Gauge
ect nav
Air Temperature

Lab Instruments

A photo of the PARIO Automated soil particle size analyzer
Soil Particle Size
A photo of the HYPROP 2 soil moisture release curve laboratory instrument
Soil Moisture Release Curve, Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity
A photo of a WP4C soil water potential lab instrument
Soil Water Potential
A photo of the KSAT saturated hydraulic conductivity laboratory instrument
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity
A photo of the TEMPOS Thermal properties analyzer
Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Resistivity, Specific Heat
A photo of a TEROS 31 Lab Tensiometer
Point Water Potential
A photo of the Vapor Sorption Analyzer
Soil Water Characteristic Curve
A photo of VARIOS automated thermal dryout curves laboratory instrument
Automated Thermal Dryout Curve


Data Collection & Telemetry

A photograph of a front view of a ZL6 data logger
Direct to ZENTRA Cloud
zl 6 pro data logger FRONT 1 1
Complete Data Solution
A photograph of a front view of a ZL6 Basic
Manual Data Download
A photo of the ZSC bluetooth sensor interface
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