Environment Webinars

Upcoming: Using the salt balance to irrigate more efficiently

The global pressure for water conservation is felt in every industry, especially in arid countries. In agriculture, the balance can be hard to find.


Water potential 201: Getting the most from each measurement 

Knowing your soil's water potential is crucial for plant health and happiness. But why stop there?


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Using the salt balance to irrigate more efficiently

The global pressure for water conservation is felt in every industry, especially in arid countries. In agriculture, the balance can be hard to find.

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Water potential 201: Getting the most from each measurement 

Knowing your soil's water potential is crucial for plant health and happiness. But why stop there?

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How to get the most accurate soil moisture data

The first step to understanding if your data are correct is to first know where they’re wrong. But what makes good data go bad?

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The expert guide to leaf area index: Theory, methods, and application

Plant physiologist Jeff Ritter explains the practical application of Leaf Area Index and how this measurement will transform your research.

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How to interpret soil moisture release curve data

If you know what to look for, you can harness powerful insights from a soil moisture release curve. But if you’re using the wrong instrumentation your insights can be drastically wrong.

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How to interpret hydraulic conductivity data

You need to understand how water is moving (or not moving) through your soil. But how do you make sure you're getting the most thorough and meaningful insights from every data set?

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Choosing the right water potential sensor in 2023

If you’re not measuring water potential, or not measuring it correctly, your data could be telling you the wrong thing. Water content measurements can only tell you so much, and inferring water potential from water content is inaccurate at best, and completely misleading in worst-case scenarios.

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How to interpret soil moisture data 2 – Part 2

To get the most out of your data, you need to know how to interpret unexpected occurrences in your data set.

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Water resource capture: Turning water into biomass

As world water demand increases and supplies decrease, how can we turn more of the water we use for agriculture into biomass?

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Radiation resource capture: Are you leaving yield on the table?

Four resources need to be plentiful within a crop’s environment to increase biomass: CO₂, water, nutrients, and PAR. In this webinar, Dr. Campbell dives deep into the measurement and implications of PAR.

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Weather data: Why accuracy is more complicated than you think

Don’t unwittingly compromise your weather data by underestimating all the factors that influence accuracy. Dr. Colin Campbell discusses what these factors are and how to plan for them.

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Soil infiltration 101: What it is. Why you need it. How to measure it.

World-renowned soil physicist, Dr. Gaylon S. Campbell, teaches the basics of soil infiltration and how to measure it correctly.

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Water management: 3 important tools you might be missing

Dr. Colin Campbell explores the latest water management research and real world examples to answer the questions: Does water management work? What are challenges and best practices? And what should we do next?

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Part 4: Irrigation of controlled environment crops for increased quality and yield

Dr. Gaylon Campbell teaches what is required in controlled environments to ensure all environmental variables remain balanced for the highest possible efficiency and production.

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Water potential 101: What it is. Why you need it. How to use it.

Soil water potential is a crucial measurement for optimizing yield and stewarding the environment. If you’re not measuring it, you’re likely getting the wrong answer to your soil moisture questions.

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Rapid, in situ thermal conductivity measurements, even in moist insulating materials

Dr. Gaylon Campbell shows how to measure the thermal conductivity of wet insulation with a 5-minute read time. These previously impossible measurements are now possible through advanced electronics and analytical methods.

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Predictable yields using remote and field monitoring

What happens when you take satellite products and add soil water potential data? Dr. Colin Campbell explains the formula for prescribing irrigation events that will get you the yields you want.

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Weather data: Virtual, in-field, or regional network—Does it matter?

Find out how different weather data sources compare and how those data affect the accuracy of common environmental models used by growers.

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5 reasons you’re getting less accurate soil moisture release curves

In this 20-minute webinar, METER scientist Leo Rivera compares available methods and teaches how to combine the latest technology to generate full, accurate curves with hundreds of points in only a couple of days—instead of a couple of months.

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5 reasons your soil texture analysis isn’t accurate enough

In this 30-minute webinar, researcher and application expert Leo Rivera teaches best practices for higher accuracy and how to choose the right method for your unique situation or application.

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5 insider tips—How to be fieldwork ready

Veteran researcher Dr. Sara Vero from Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland, shares expert tips on how to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your field visits.

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Part 3: Irrigation of controlled environment crops for increased quality and yield

Get the information you need to stress or de-stress your crop at the right time and in the right way to achieve your goals.

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Part 2: Irrigation of controlled environment crops for increased quality and yield—Nutrients and osmotic stress

In this 30-minute webinar, world-renowned soil physics expert, Dr. Gaylon Campbell discusses how to measure EC and osmotic stress to optimize crop steering for maximum yield.

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How to generate dry end soil water characteristic curves with a single point

Dr. Doug Cobos teaches about the concept of a single point soil water characteristic curve and a study performed to try and validate the concept.

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Part 1: Irrigation of controlled environment crops for increased quality and yield—Substrates

What you need to know to get the most out of your substrate, so you can maximize the yield and quality of your product.

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Soil hydraulic properties—8 ways you can unknowingly compromise your data

If your data are skewed in the wrong direction, your predictions will be off, and erroneous recommendations or decisions could end up costing you. Leo Rivera discusses common mistakes and best practices.

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Why your GDD estimate isn’t good enough—And how to fix it

Dr. Colin Campbell discusses what you need to know for more accurate models, so you can be confident in your management decisions.

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Soil moisture 302: Hydraulic conductivity—Which instrument is right for you?

Leo Rivera, research scientist at METER, teaches which situations require saturated or unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and the pros and cons of common methods.

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Evapotranspiration: Pitfalls to avoid and why it’s easier than you think

Measuring evapotranspiration (ET) to understand water loss from a native or a managed ecosystem is easier than it looks, but you have to know what you’re doing.

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Soil moisture 301: Hydraulic conductivity: Why you need it. How to measure it.

If you want to predict how water will move within your soil system, you need to understand hydraulic conductivity because it governs water flow.

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Unlock your data secrets using ZENTRA Cloud models

Environmental modeling is crucial for making decisions or understanding what’s happening in the field, but it can be an extremely complex and manual process. Not anymore.

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Hydraulic conductivity: How many measurements do you need?

Researchers are changing the way infiltration measurements are captured while keeping the standards of measurement high.

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Hydrology 101: The science behind the SATURO Infiltrometer

Dr. Gaylon S. Campbell teaches the basics of hydraulic conductivity and the science behind the SATURO automated dual head infiltrometer.

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Improve your plant study: 3 types of environmental data you may be missing

You may be missing key insights about the true environment of your plant study. Application expert Holly Lane teaches how to better understand the environment your plants are growing in and the stresses they're exposed to.

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Becoming a Tensiometer and HYPROP wizard

In this webinar, Leo Rivera explores refill techniques for METER tensiometers and the HYPROP.

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Water potential 301–How to push your instruments past their specifications

Learn the skills needed to create a soil water characteristic curve with wet end and dry end data that actually match up in the middle.

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Soil moisture 202: Choosing the right water potential sensor

In this 20-minute webinar, METER research scientist Leo Rivera discusses how to choose the right field water potential sensor for your application.

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Thermal properties of stony soils: How to get the right answer in a soil/rock mix

Get the right thermal conductivity or thermal resistivity value for your soil profile. Find out how to combine rock and soil measurements.

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Water potential 201—Choosing the right instrument

Learn water potential instrument theory, including the challenges of measuring water potential and how to choose and use various water potential instruments.

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Water potential 101—Making use of an important tool

Master the basics of soil water potential.

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Soil electrical conductivity: Managing salts for sustained high yields

Mismanagement of salt applied during irrigation ultimately reduces production—sometimes drastically. Learn how to measure soil electrical conductivity for consistently high crop yield, quality, and profit.

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Soil sensors in cadavers and other ways to expand the uniqueness of your research

Novel research ideas to help you think outside the box, rise above the crowd, and stand out in a sea of proposals.

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Soil moisture: Why water content can’t tell you everything you need to know

If you’re only measuring water content, you may be blind to what your plants are really experiencing. Dr. Colin Campbell discusses how and why scientists combine both water content and water potential for more accurate insights.

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Using electrical conductivity measurements to optimize irrigation

Dr. Doug Cobos discusses benefits of using electrical conductivity (EC) measurements along with water content for irrigation scheduling.

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Water potential 401–Advances in field water potential

In this webinar, Dr. Doug Cobos discusses field water potential sensor characteristics, equilibrations and advances in technology.

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How to improve irrigation scheduling using soil moisture

Every irrigator wishes for tools that answer the questions: when do I turn the water on and when do I turn the water off? The challenge is figuring out the right tools and implementing them effectively.

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Soil moisture sensors in the greenhouse for better yield and quality

Dr. John Lea-Cox discusses how soil sensors lead to water savings, increased yields, improved quality, and a more efficient and profitable operation.

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Soil moisture 102: Water content methods—demystified

Dr. Colin Campbell compares measurement theory, the pros and cons of each method, and why modern sensing is about more than just the sensor.

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Lab versus in situ soil water characteristic curves—A comparison

Lab-produced soil water retention curves can be paired with information from in situ moisture release curves for deeper insight into real-world variability.

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Revolutionizing soil moisture—A new holistic approach for higher accuracy

With the TEROS 12, we’ve not only improved our sensor, we’ve also turned our attention to broader issues that are likely to confound soil moisture data.

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Soil moisture: Why installation is everything

You can improve the quality of your data and lessen the need to search for errors with smarter sensor installation techniques.

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Soil moisture 201: Water content measurements, methods, and applications

Dr. Colin Campbell discusses details regarding different ways to measure soil moisture and the theory/application behind each measurement.

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Soil moisture 201: Moisture release curves—Revealed

A soil moisture release curve is a powerful tool used to predict plant water uptake, deep drainage, runoff, and more.

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Soil moisture 101: Need-to-know basics

Soil moisture is more than just knowing the amount of water in soil. Learn basic principles you need to know before deciding how to measure it.

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Part 1: How to interpret soil moisture data

To get the most out of your data, you need to know how to interpret unexpected occurrences in your data set.

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Fundamentals and perspectives on soil moisture measurements

In this webinar, Dr. Paolo Castiglione presents on soil mechanics and the theory behind soil moisture measurements.

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Using soil moisture sensors in plant-water relations studies

Dr. Jongyun Kim explains why soil moisture sensors help control substrate water contents, estimate plant water use, and understand drought physiology.

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Why using soil moisture sensors for irrigation control will increase quality and profits

Dr. Marc Van Iersel discusses drawbacks of excessive irrigation and strategies to reduce nursery water use to increase profits and quality.

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Finding insights in big datasets

Dr. Rick Gill shares techniques scientists can use to deal with the overwhelming challenges of big data.

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SDI-12 sensor network best practices

Learn what an SDI-12 network does, pros/cons, how to design and build your own sensor bus, and troubleshooting.

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7 weather station installation mistakes to avoid

Dr. Doug Cobos discusses insider tips and best practices that will improve your accuracy and save you time, effort, and future headaches.

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Weather monitoring 101—Which weather station is right for you?

Dr. Doug Cobos explores how to choose which system is right for you and the sweet spot for price vs. maintenance vs. accuracy in your unique application.

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Stop hiding behind a shield

We performed a series of tests to see how the ATMOS 41’s air temperature measurement compared to other sensors, and the results were surprising, even to us.

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Combining in situ soil moisture with satellite data for improved irrigation recommendations

How researchers are combining in situ, drone, and satellite measurements to extract key information and how these data can be connected across scales.

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Leaf area index (LAI): theory, measurement, & application

How to use PRI and NDVI to monitor environmental conditions that adversely affect plant growth.

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Interpreting soil moisture data panel discussion

A two-part series focused on interpreting soil moisture data. Both parts of the series were run as panel discussions.

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8 research-ruining data mistakes

Researchers often painfully discover critical steps they forgot to think about and find they don’t have enough data to interpret their results.

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Water management: Plant-water relation and atmospheric demand

Going by soil moisture data alone? Other strategies, like plant and weather monitoring, can inform water management decisions.

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Publish more. Work less. Introducing ZENTRA Cloud.

Learn how ZENTRA Cloud simplifies the research process and why researchers can’t afford to live without it.

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Best practices for measuring thermal properties of fluids

Dr. Cobos gives practical considerations to improve the quality of fluid measurements.

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Clay characterization & water vapor sorption—Moving beyond Atterberg limits

Dr. Bill Likos shows why vapor sorption is superior to conventional methods for quantifying clay properties.

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Advances in Lysimeter technology

Stay current on advances in lysimeter technology.

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Measuring Mars

Dr. Mike Hecht gives his perspective of the development of the TECP sensor for the Mars Phoenix Lander Mission.

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Using PRI to monitor crop stress

How to use PRI and NDVI to monitor environmental conditions that adversely affect plant growth.

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Getting more from your NDVI sensor

Learn how NDVI is being used in current research and demonstrates how to overcome some of the NDVI’s limitations.

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NDVI & PRI–Measurement theory, methods, and applications

Master the basics of NDVI and PRI.

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PRI—Why you should measure it

Learn the basics of the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI).

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Methods of sampling and analyzing soil pore solution

Leo Rivera and Chris Chambers teach different methods for sampling and analyzing soil pore solution.

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Measurements and models for macropore infiltration in soil

Macropore models tend to be complicated. The M&M model shown in this webinar is a simple macropore model that requires only nine parameters.

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