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KSAT Cited Publications
Listed below are a few examples of cited publications for the KSAT. This list is not exhaustive.
Fontanet, Mireia, Elia Scudiero, Todd H. Skaggs, Daniel Fernàndez-Garcia, Francesc Ferrer, Gema Rodrigo, and Joaquim Bellvert. “Dynamic Management Zones for Irrigation Scheduling.” Agricultural Water Management 238 (2020): 106207. (Article link).
Jackisch, Conrad, Kai Germer, Thomas Graeff, Ines Andrä, Katrin Schulz, Marcus Schiedung, Jaqueline Haller-Jans et al. “Soil moisture and matric potential–an open field comparison of sensor systems.” Earth System Science Data 12, no. 1 (2020). (Article link).
Imukova, K.; Ingwersen, J.; Hevart, M.; Streck, T. (2016): Energy balance closure on a winter wheat stand – Comparing the eddy covariance technique with the soil water balance method. Biogeosciences 13 (1): 63–75.
Robinson, D. A.; Jones, S. B.; Lebron, I.; Reinsch, S.; Dominguez, M. T.; Smith, A. R.; Jones, D. L.; Marshall, M. R.; Emmett, B. A. (2016): Experimental evidence for drought induced alternative stable states of soil moisture. Scientific reports 6: 20018.
Sprenger, M.; Seeger, S.; Blume, T.; Weiler, M. (2016): Travel times in the vadose zone – Variability in space and time.
Biel-Maeso, M.; Valdes-Abellan, J.; Tamoh, K.; Corada-Fernández, C.; Candela, L. (2015): COMPARACIÓN Y VALIDACIÓN DE LAS PROPIEDADES HIDRÁULICAS DEL SUELO MEDIANTE DIFERENTES EQUIPOS DE LABORATORIO – In: Martínez Pérez, Sastre Merlín et al. (Hg.) 2015 – Estudios en la Zona no: 1–5.
Eibisch, N.; Durner, W.; Bechtold, M.; Fuß, R.; Mikutta, R.; Woche, S. K.; Helfrich, M. (2015): Does water repellency of pyrochars and hydrochars counter their positive effects on soil hydraulic properties?. Geoderma 245-246: 31–39.
Thompson, A. R.; Stotler, R. L.; Macpherson, G. L.; Liu, G. (2015): Laboratory Study of Low-Flow Rates on Clogging Processes for Application to Small-Diameter Injection Wells. Water Resour Manage (Water Resources Management) 29 (14): 5171–5184.
Litaor, M. I.; Meir-Dinar, N.; Castro, B.; Azaizeh, H.; Rytwo, G.; Levi, N.; Levi, M.; MarChaim, U. (2015): Treatment of winery wastewater with aerated cells mobile system. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management 4: 17–26.
Thompson, A. R. (2014): Effect of flow rate on clogging processes in small diameter aquifer storage and recovery injection wells.
Durner, W.; Iden, S. C. (2012): Skript Bodenphysikalische Versuche Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung „Bodenkundliches Laborpraktikum“ für Studierende der Geoökologie.
Hartge, K. H.; Horn, R. (2009): Die physikalische Untersuchung von Böden. E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Nagele u. Obermiller). Stuttgart.