Tech Specs
Measurement Specifications
The range of Kfs values that can be effectively measured by the SATURO infiltrometer are limited by the minimum and maximum infiltration rates listed above. These depend on the pressure heads applied to the water during infiltration and to the three-dimensional flow characteristics of the soil, so the measurement range of Kfs cannot be specified explicitly. SATURO will generally be able to make measurements on poorly to moderately structured soils as coarse as medium sand, but the maximum infiltration rate can be exceeded by soils with excessive structure and especially by soils with significant macropores.
Infiltration Rate
Range: 0.0038 cm/hr to 115 cm/hr
Resolution: 0.0038 cm/hr
Accuracy: ±5 % of reading
Physical Specifications
Charging Adapter
18 V 2.2 Amps; Range 18 to 24 V DC Output: USB
Operating Temperature Range
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