Application Portal

Online Application with Google Meet

METER Group GmbH uses the technological possibilities of online communication to provide you with timely job interviews.

In an online meeting/application interview, the interview between yourself and the colleagues at METER who are responsible for your job interview will be similar to the interview on site.

You will need the following technical equipment for the online meeting:

  • Computer with screen, microphone and speakers or alternatively with headset, camera
  • Tablet or Smartphone, alternatively with headset
  • and a stable Internet connection

The technical connection is made through our video service provider (Google Meet), which has to meet special security requirements. This ensures that what you discuss with us remains confidential.

Before your online application interview takes place, we hereby inform you about important points to ensure confidentiality:

  • Ensure that you are in a confidential environment so that no unauthorised third parties can listen in on the interview (close doors and windows).
  • Pay attention to the camera’s viewing angle, so that no documents or personal confidential matters etc. (e.g. notes on the whiteboard or flipchart) are visible.
  • Make sure that you have a good view of the screen.
  • Minimize background noise.
  • At METER, we make sure that the seating arrangements are such that all those involved can be easily seen by the camera and that you can see all those involved in the job interview. If this is not possible, we will inform you about additional colleagues present and introduce them to you briefly.
  • The microphone is placed in such a way that an optimal sound transmission can be guaranteed.

Step by step to the online meeting (general):

You will receive from us

  • an appointment for the online application interview, with the Internet address of the video service provider and the corresponding dial-in code
  • On the day of the online meeting, dial in to the video service provider’s website with your dial-in code approximately 3-5 minutes before the meeting. This should be possible without having to create your own user account.
  • The video service provider will ask you for your name when you dial in. Please enter your name using pseudonyms (initials).
  • You will then be taken to the virtual waiting room. As soon as we join the online meeting can begin.
  • Once the meeting is over, please log off from the website.

Data security:

  • The online meeting is broadcast over the Internet via a so-called peer-to-peer (computer-to-computer) connection, without using a central server.
  • The video service provider guarantees that all contents of the online meeting are encrypted end-to-end according to the current state of the art during the entire transmission process and that they are neither viewed nor saved by him.
  • All metadata will be deleted after 3 months at the latest and will only be used for the operations necessary to process the video consultation.

We would like to inform you about the processing of personal data in connection with the use of “MS Teams”.

We use the “MS Teams” tool to conduct online meetings and video conferences (hereinafter: “online meetings”). “MS Teams” is a service of the G Suite of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Microsoft”).

Note: If you visit the “Microsoft” website, the provider of “MS Teams” Microsoft is responsible for data processing. However, calling up the website is only necessary for the use of “MS Teams” to download the software for the use of “MS Teams”.

You can also use “MS Teams” if you enter the respective meeting ID and, if applicable, other access data for the meeting directly in the “MS Teams” app.

If you do not want to or cannot use the “MS Teams” App, then the basic functions can also be used via a browser version, which you can also find on the “Microsoft” website.

When using “MS Teams”, various types of data are processed. The scope of the data also depends on the information you provide before or during participation in an “online meeting”.

The following personal data is processed:

User information: first name, last name, phone (optional), email address, password, profile picture (optional) meeting metadata: Subject, description (optional), participant IP addresses, device/hardware information

When dialing in by telephone: information on incoming and outgoing telephone number, country name, start and end time. If necessary, further connection data such as the IP address of the device can be saved.

Text, audio and video data: You may have the option of using the question function in an “online meeting”. In this respect, the text entries you make are processed to display them in the “online meeting” and to log them if necessary. In order to enable the display of video and the playback of audio, the data from the microphone of your terminal device and from any video camera of the terminal device will be processed for the duration of the meeting. You can turn off or mute the camera or microphone yourself at any time through the MS Teams  applications.

To join an “online meeting” or enter the “meeting room,” you’ll need to provide at least your name. This can also be a pseudonym.

We use “MS Teams” to conduct “online meetings/application interviews”. As a rule, there is no recording. If a recording is required, it will only be made with your express consent. If necessary for the purposes of logging the results of an online meeting, we will log the chat content. However, this will generally not be the case.

If you’re registered as a user of MS Teams, reports of “online meetings” (meeting metadata, phone dial-up data) may be stored on MS Teams for up to one month.

Conducting an online application interview is voluntary. As an applicant, you will not suffer any disadvantages resulting from the non-use.

By participating in the online application interview, you confirm that you have been sufficiently informed about the course of the online meeting, its technical requirements and data protection security aspects.

You are aware that participation in the online meeting is voluntary and that its use is free of charge for you.

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