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WP4C Tech Specs
Measurement Specifications
Water Potential
Range: 0 – -300 MPa
Resolution: NA
Accuracy: ±0.05 MPa from 0 to –5 MPa
1% from –5 to –300 MPa
NOTE:All vapor pressure instruments (including the WP4C) are limited by accuracy in the wet end of the water potential range. The range of 0 to −5 MPa has an accuracy of ±0.05 MPa. For example, a measurement of −0.1 MPa has an accuracy of ±50% of the measurement and a measurement of −1 MPa has an accuracy of ±5%. The WP4C will not measure water potential accurately near field capacity (-0.033 MPa).
Range: 15.00 – 40.00 °C
Resolution: 0.10 °C
Accuracy: ±0.20 °C
Read Time
Soil Sample: ~10–15 min (precise mode)
<5 min (fast mode)
Plant Sample: ~20 min
NOTE:WP4C will display updated measurements approximately every 5 min until stopped
Physical Specifications
Case Dimensions
Length: 24.1 cm (9.5 in)
Width: 22.9 cm (9.0 in)
Height: 8.9 cm (3.5 in)
Case Material
Powder painted aluminum
Universal Power
110.0000 – 220.0000 V AC 50/60 Hz
Sensor Types
Chilled-mirror dew point sensor
Infrared temperature sensor
Cable Type
Standard RS-232 to USB cable (included)
20 x 2 alphanumeric LCD with backlighting
Sample Cup Capacity
15 mL (0.5 oz) full
7 mL (0.25 oz) recommended
Operating Temperature Range
Minimum: 5.00 °C
Typical: NA
Maximum: 40.00 °C
3.2 kg (7.1 lb)
Data Communications
RS-232A serial
8-data bit ASCII code
9,600 baud, no parity
1 stop bit
EM ISO/IEC 17050:2010 (CE Mark)
Compatible standard: ASTM D6836-07