Sports turf irrigation management

What if you could accurately determine the irrigation needs of the turf you manage without complex calculations or finicky equipment? Simple, robust sensors and a cloud-connected app give you a complete picture of the moisture in your soil profile, helping you to make more informed irrigation decisions.

Turfgrass irrigation management

More measurements aren’t helpful if they aren’t accurate. If your irrigation strategy relies on sensors that make you question each reading or if you end up irrigating based on gut feelings, then you may be washing your irrigation budget below the root zone. This results in wasted water, and potentially expensive fertilizers, insecticiedes, and fungicides as well. METER sensors have helped customers reduce water usage by more than a third without damaging their plants.

See how we can support your turfgrass irrigation strategy

USGA METER collaboration

The U.S. Golf Association has collaborated with METER to develop a simple, accurate solution for measuring the water needs of your golf course. Read how our sensors and instruments are helping golf courses reduce inputs while maintaining healthy turf.

Learn more about this collaboration

Turf Researchers Looking At ZENTRA CLoud
"I thought I was a pretty good irrigator, and what I discovered using the sensors is that...we were wasting a lot of water, which wastes nutrients, and it can even move pesticides out of the system. And so it allowed us to start fine tuning our irrigation, where we're looking at how best to irrigate turf grass, how that interacts with nutrients, and what that means in terms of drought response."
Dr. Bryan Hopkins, Brigham Young University
We believe in education

We're scientists. The quest for knowledge is in our blood. We've spent decades learning the best way to measure the soil, plant, atmosphere continuum, so you can access a wealth of information.


See all webinars

Water management: 3 important tools you might be missing

Dr. Colin Campbell explores the latest water management research and real world examples to answer the questions: Does water management work? What are challenges and best practices? And what should we do next?


Soil moisture: Why water content can’t tell you everything you need to know

If you’re only measuring water content, you may be blind to what your plants are really experiencing. Dr. Colin Campbell discusses how and why scientists combine both water content and water potential for more accurate insights.


Weather data: Why accuracy is more complicated than you think

Don’t unwittingly compromise your weather data by underestimating all the factors that influence accuracy. Dr. Colin Campbell discusses what these factors are and how to plan for them.


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