Vapor Sorption Analyzer

以下は、Vapor Sorption Analyzer の引用文献の例である。このリストはすべてを網羅しているわけではない。

  • Lu, Ning, and Chao Zhang."Separating External and Internal Surface Areas of Soil Particles.".Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 146, no. 2 (2020): 04019126.(Article link).
  • 呂寧「不飽和土の力学:Fundamental Challenges, Breakthroughs, and Opportunities.".Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 146, no.5 (2020): 02520001.(Article link).
  • Zhang, Chao, and Ning Lu."Augmented Brunauer-Emmett-Teller equation for water adsorption on soil.".Vadose Zone Journal 18, no. 1 (2019).(記事リンク)。
  • Khorshidi, Morteza, Ning Lu, Idil Deniz Akin, and William J. Likos."Intrinsic relationship between specific surface area and soil water retention.".Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 143, no. 1 (2017):04016078.(記事リンク)。
  • Khorshidi, Morteza, and Ning Lu."Determination of cation exchange capacity from soil water retention curve.".Journal of Engineering Mechanics 143, no. 6 (2017):04017023.(記事リンク)。
  • Khorshidi, Morteza, Ning Lu, and Alireza Khorshidi."Intrinsic relationship between matric potential and cation hydration.".Vadose Zone Journal 15, no. 11 (2016).(記事リンク)。
  • Revil, A., and N. Lu."Unified water isotherms for clayey porous materials.".Water Resources Research 49, no:5685-5699.(記事リンク)。
  • Likos, William J., Ning Lu, and Wentz Wenszel."粘土の水分等温線に対する動的露点法の性能".Geotechnical Testing Journal 34, no.4 (2011):373-382.(Article link).



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