VIDEO: Instructions for swapping ATMOS 41 daughter board—RH/temperature/barometric pressure sensors

Video: Instructions for swapping ATMOS 41 daughter board—RH/temperature/barometric pressure sensors

In this video, our application experts show how to replace an ATMOS 41 daughter board —RH/temperature/barometric pressure sensor.

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Supplies needed

Contact METER customer support for the following items:

  • RH/temperature/barometric pressure daughter board kit (includes daughterboard, teflon filter disc, plastic tweezers, and nitrile glove


Open the package of supplies to ensure all parts have arrived. Take the supplies to the field where the ATMOS 41 weather station is installed, and perform the following steps:

1. Unplug ATMOS 41 from the data logger.

2. Discharge static electricity from your body. An electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage the daughter board.

3. Wearing gloves, use the plastic tweezers to poke a hole in the old Teflon disc, located in Figure 1. The Teflon disc protects the daughter board. Remove the old Teflon disc, and throw it away.

Photo of underside of ATMOS 41 with tweezers pointing to teflon circle

Photo of underside of ATMOS 41 with tweezers grasping teflon disc
Figure 1. Two images showing the location of the Teflon disc covering the RH/temp/barometric pressure board

4. Use tweezers to remove the RH/temp/barometric pressure board, shown in Figure 2. Discard the old board, or return it to METER if requested.

5. Use tweezers to install the new RH/temp/barometric pressure board. Slide the board into place and gently press on the board with a gloved finger until it is securely seated.

Photo of underside of ATMOS 41 with tweezers grasping daughter board

Photo of underside of ATMOS 41 with tweezers removing daughter board
Figure 2. Two images showing the location of the RH/temp/barometric pressure sensor board

6. Wearing gloves, install the new Teflon disc. Press the sides in gently to secure it in place (Figure 3).

A photograph of a gloved hand pushing in the new Teflon disc
Figure 3. Location of the new Teflon disc

7. Plug ATMOS 41 into the data logger.

8. Re-level ATMOS 41 using bubble level and/or x- y- data.

9. Ensure that the engraved N is pointing toward True North.

10. Before leaving the site, check the data and verify RH/temperature/barometric pressure values are reasonable.


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